Monday, December 31, 2007

And I will try to fix you.

So i wanted to rant on, miserably, about how this year has been wasted. about how i haven't done much,truth be told. but then i thought, why be sad and spoil everyone's last day... of 2007. and then i thought of something highly amusing. doesnt today just give new meaning to "maybe next year." or "there's still next year." perhaps i may not stay up to watch the Countdown Party tonight (because it consists of me sitting on my well cushioned sofa, bored to death) so i'll probably a) spend the night calling up friends, seeing if they're free and annoying them or b)i'll spend my night with my keyboard/synthesizer thing playing the piano ending of Be My Escape by Reliant K over and over. and well playing some other things and working on a tune maybe? speaking of this, i've been doing this for the past few nights (cept yesterday) so i think i may or may not keep this up (Except on sundays) which really depends how hard being in Secondary 3 is going to be. and the thought of that is just dreadful.

anyway, im sort of out of my box, musically today. yesterday i was practically yearning to Fix You by Coldplay (After seeing it in Stephenie Meyer's playlist for when she wrote New Moon i think.). I finally got to listen to it today and well, it reminded me how beautiful the song is. i dont see why Jasmin doesn't like Coldplay (well okay maybe i do :D). They're such a great band, perhaps that song Speed of Sound was abit overplayed but The Scientist, Fix You, Clocks... etc all really nice songs. now im listening to The Killers song. yknw i tot they were british because Brendon has an accent haha but they're actually an american band. they're really good, i've heard some songs from Sams Town and i like them. and i love how Brendon Flowers looks in the Mr Brightside video (the version with the rather scandalous one. haha) he looks really gentlemenly in a suit.... and eyeliner. haha. you cant deny, that man's got style. and the girl that he likes or whatever in the video is really white. quite scary really.

been rereading the twilight series. finished reading Twilight yesterday and read two chapters of New Moon today. I think if i keep this up, the books are gonna bore me soon enough, haha. plus it's not healthy to crush on fictional characters, especially ones that have 'Black' as their surnames (Sirius Black, Jacob Black. i see a pattern forming here. haha).

sigh. hopefully the next year i'll accomplish more physically and well Comfirmation next year so, spiritually too. i shant put a resolution list because i don't really follow them. so yeah.

i shall see if i cant finish that story i wrote about Jason and Kaine. haha.

well goodbye 2007, hello 2008.

have a happy new year whoever reads this blog.

p.s i would like to give a shoutout to ms amanda eber. who wished me a HAPPY NEW YEAR'S ADAM yesterday. haha that was highly entertaining. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Holidays are ending soon.

I look like a golfball. well just now. now my hair's all wet and messed up it looks okay. hopefully when it grows out it'll be the hairstyle i really liked last time when my cut hair grew out. all messy and uneven. i liked that, haha. i was highly amused at the hairdresser cos the guy who was shampooing my hair (shampoo boy!) was a young 'punk' as my mom would say, and he was really funny. like the way he massaged the head (i dont see why the massaging helps i think it was supposed to make u feel relaxed but it made me want to laugh) was really cool and very hilarious and my mum said he looked like he was having fun. then in perfect singlishness he answered "work must be fun mah" then he quickly corrected himself saying that he took his job seriously though. and then he tried to sell me hair products while drying my hair and i couldnt hear him past the hairdryer and i was like "WAAAT?" rather hysterically cos i was very amused.

ANYWAY. the holidays are ending and its back to school soon. i don't like school very much but i guess theres no point in trying to stop it. hmm. so i guess i'll just live thru it. haha.

i am bored.

i shall confine myself in my room today and write stuff and play the keyboard/guitar. yesterday i was playing starlight so many times that i dreamt about playing starlight so many times.

why can't i dream about meadows and a girl and a realyl handsome vampire like stephenie meyer did?

toodles. :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


if you read blog post titles and u know what im talking about then u probably would know what i am ABOUT to talk about.

ahem. coff.

okay so yesterday was christmas woohoo and all that cheer but really, stop with the over santa-nizing. i mean how much can u convince unsuspecting young children that there really is a big jolly dude who likes red and rides in a sleigh carried by flying reindeer? whats with all the christmas shows being about santa claus and none about the true meaning? love, Jesus being born, family, anyone remember those?

anyway, my computer is killing me. i am in need of some panic! at the disco right now but theres something wrong with the speaker.


okay. anyway, on with what i came here to do. before u read i shall have a warning.

Spoiler warning! If you have not read the book Eclipse or New Moon and plan to do it without some asshole blogger spoiling it, you can refrain from reading the remainder of this post thought i think you should anyway just because im too darn cool. (thats not really a reason, is it?)

So recently, thanks to my sister and a 20 bucks kinokuniya(cant spell but pronounced that way) voucher, i acquired a rather wonderful book yesterday, Eclipse by Mrs Stephenie Meyer, a book that I have been eagerly waiting to read, but suprisingly not eager enough to actually go BUY it myself. anyway i finished today (Don't mean to brag but if you want to gasp in awe, by all means do.) and found myself pitying poor Jacob Black.

so because panic! at the disco won't be playing anytime soon, i am going to satisfy my sanity by making a list on why Bell, why EVERYONE should want Jacob more than Edward Cullen. althought none will have him cos hes mine. haha. anyway i know this list will do no difference because i know alot of teenage girls (and perhaps, disturbingly so, boys too) are already in love and believe that one day Edward will swoop in and kiss them like Mrs Meyer describes in her books. those parts i find rather disturbing, honestly, and i sometimes skip them. haha *flashes innocent smile*

anyway, let's not procrastinate no longer, (well let me actually, im the one doing the list) and so here it is:

LIST OF REASONS WHY JACOB > EDWARD aka why Jacob is better than Edward (duh) aka why Jacob rocks my freakin socks yo.

reasons not listed in any particular order, mind you.

#1 Jacob is warm. As we all have probably noticed, Edward = Cold. because hes a vampire and all that jazz. what good really, is snuggling up to an ice block at night? ahh, but imagine this. it's 1am, and it's freezing cold. You're in your bed, woken up by a nightmare about giant watermelons and you can't go back to sleep as an outcome. so then you roll to your right/left alittle/alot and you feel an arm around you and it feels you with warmth. then you move alittle closer and WHOOM (i couldn't think of any other sound. it doesn't really create a sound actually but this makes it climatic i think.) you feel yourself drifting off to dreamland again, smiling to yourself. and why? because nothing feels better than a cuppa hot chocolate, people!

#2 Jacob isn't as hard as rock unlike someone. I'm not gonna mention who that someone is but Jacob is far softer than Edward is. did i say his name? oh boo. anyway, why go hug a tree when you got a teddy bear? a WARM one too!

#3 Jacob can turn into a werewolf. And if you have already read Eclipse, it's described that Bella felt like he was like a dog. and what's more adorable than a dog? well some may say a puppy. but really, imagine having a boyfriend being able to turn into an innocent, playful animal, that whines and makes funny noises. well sure, you say, wait till he bites your head off. which moves on to my next point

#4 Unlike some people, Jacob has self-control. well i don't mean the whole kissing thing (refer to Eclipse). I mean like he isn't tempted to bite Bella's head off or any part of her. especially not the neck. Werewolves are the good guys! they want to protect the humans and all. while poor Edward has to keep himself in check everytime and can't.... well can't do naughty things with Bell like she wants to (tho i highly support this whole non pre marital sex thing. so score one for Edward.) Still, you don't have to keep worrying about what would happen if you were at a birthday party with a pack of werewolves and you got a papercut. they would probably just hand you a band-aid.

#5 Jacob isn't perfect. I know you're probably going like "whaaaaat?" but don't you get it? In perfection there are so many flaws. for example, Bella was rather irritated at Edward for not getting angry at her. and Edward is barely angry with Bella and even if he does get mad, he doesn't stay that way for long. because hes too perfect. I know it's not exactly good to be with a partner you're always fighting with but then being with a partner who seems okay with everything you do? it's like he doesn't even care and that's not good. but Jacob obviously cares because he gets angry and when Bella gets angry he quickly calls her up to apologize. and yknw how Bella feels somewhat inferior standing next to Edward? because hes perfectly built and bla. but Jacob isn't perfect! He's pretty darn handsome and muscular but he's not Greek godly and doesn't SHINE in the sunlight. So hes pretty normal (when hes in human form).

#6 Most of the time Jacob has his shirt off. haha. :D

#7 Jacob is a mechanic and has a car and a motorcycle. You can't really deny that this is highly attractive and really cool. And if you go, "What do you mean? A Volvo and a Porsche is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy cooler." let me just remind you that the rather wealthy Edward merely bought those. Jacob however, repaired them.

#8 Jacob is a DIY kind of guy Like i said earlier, he actually repaired pretty bleahed up cars and made them as good as new. plus he made that pretty charm for Bella's bracelet. Unlike Edward, who gave her something passed from his mother, and though it was all jewels and stuff, still, doesn't Jacob's gift seem more heartfelt?

#9 Jacob is funny Unlike a certain Mr Cullen who enjoys keeping things to himself unless asked, Jacob says and does what he feels, not keeping to himself. Which leads to him saying rather amusing stuff. And c'mon, who can resist a funny guy?

#10 Marrying Jacob doesn't include the whole 'damming yourself for eternity' part.
While marrying someone like Edward Cullen would include having to wear a hugehuge ring with alot of diamonds on it which increase the risk of someone stealing your finger, and not to mention becoming a vampire too so that you can never grow up just like he won't, marrying Jacob doesn't really have much strings attached than if you marry a normal dude. because Jacob is a normal dude. just that he's really really strong and fast and he can transform into a wolf and is really cold and can heal, other than that he's totally normal.

#11 Jacob surrendered because he loved Bella and as a result, lost his sanity.
and this is the sweetest thing. well not the losing sanity part, that's really sad but he gave her up because he really loved her and wanted her to be happy. But then he loved her too much and that drove him mad and he became depressed so it just shows how much he loves her. and that is just so romantic in someway.

So if you're dont reading this and Jacob Black doesn't seem anymore attractive to you than before, then.... that doesn't really matter! Because he's mine and if you like him i'll just have more competitors.

but really. i think Jacob loves Bella as much as Edward does or maybe even more and so you can't say that Edward wins hands down, because Jacob Black has just as much chance as Edward Cullen does. Plus werewolves are just as cool as vampires. haha. And so the battle between the vampires and werewolves continue! anyway i still support Jacob as much as i think Edward is very sexy.


I can't wait for Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


today is christmas, the blessed day in which we Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.


no matter what religion you are! may the good Lord bless you in the remainder of the year and the year ahead.


i don't wanna go back to school!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nightmare AFTERRRRR christmas.

i dont know if all of you guys have noticed (maybe u have and im just slowww) but recently, (5 mins ago) i realised the 2nd of January is 7 days from christmas (correct me if im wrong which is HAHA highly unlikely.). and 7 days = a week(wat ive learnt in my years as a tiny thing). so its like christmas (HOORAY!) then 1 week later i have to get my ass back to that school of mine. ahhhhhh.

i wonder how people are wasting the rest of the holidays. haha guess what im doing? playing nintendo wii. alot of nintendo wii.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to be exact. i tell you, wat can be more fun then shooting aliens and running around falling off stuff. and whats more the hero's a GIRL! hahaha. with a cool suit. anyway im 6% done if you're wondering. haha.

well then. i shall go practise my piano (someday...) and then call amanda and jasmin.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas to aaaaaalll.

I got a nintendo Wii. well it's shared between my siblings(my brother is playing bowling with it now). and it's for christmas. which i find quite awkward because, HEY! christmas isnt even here yet. and well honestly, im abit sick of getting presents BEFORE christmas. haha but im not complaining or anything :)

altho it was rather embarassing when i found out we had it. i was reading my Terry Pratchett book when my dad came home with his good fren who is my sister's godfather and whom i address "Uncle (plus his name)". so then i went to say hi to him then went back to the room then went to my parent's room to fetch the nail clipper when my brother comes rushing in saying that uncle (plus his name) bought us a nintendo wii and my brother was grinning his head off. so im like "what? crazy ah, so damn expensive." then my dad comes to the room and asks if i know how to fix the thing (he is OBVIOUSLY asking me to go out and see it) so i go out and i say "thank you uncle (plus his name)" and then my dad's like "WADDYA MEAN? its from ur mother and i!" then im like "oh." and i feel stupid. and then the uncle (plus his name) looks at me oddly. and then jus stand around and randomly inspect things then i thank my dad and then i went back into the room and finished my book. feeling sheepish.

haha. oh well. i shall check out the wii after my mom comes home and i thanks her or when the uncle (plus his name) goes home.

meanwhile i shall laugh about guy ripley's obviously fictitious one cd compact disc.

and the song Rite Of Spring from I-Empire by Angels and Airwaves is about BLINK 182!

i shall go watch that plain white ts video where the guy sings "oh oh oh" or smth and chases ppl away with a cross.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

crush... crush... crush... crush crushcrushcrush

hello you.

tomorrow is the day, my first ever fencing competition. excited? not really. sort of dreading it. i mean it DOES take up my whole friday so that sucks. and my sunday too. wow THAT sucks. havent they heard of the day of rest? oh well. i hope i dont screw up and fall flat on my face (tho if im wearing my mask than that wouldn't hurt much i think..... stiiiiill).

bridge to teribithia (sorry if i misspell) is a really really sad movie. made me tear :(
but the girl reminded me alot of keira knightley and that girl who played as that spoiled gum chewing girl in charlie and the chocolate factory. oh and yknw the guy who plays charlie in the chocolate factory is in spiderwick chronicles and the golden compass (at least his voice is). and he looks like a really nice kid so kudos to him for making so much money. haha.

anyway, theres nothing else i wanna say so yea.


oh, HA!

p.s. ystr i attempted to write the new chapter for my story. i wrote 3 lines and died of writer's block. HEH.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


so, been cramming my afternoon with Blink 182 videos and Blink 182 information on wikipedia. found out some interesting thing stuff. gahh.

bring blink back!

i want me some blink 182.


AHHH. i found out who that person who added me on msn was! it was CHERYL CHIN. and guess how i found out?

my genius friend/classmate EILEEN LAU came up with that brilliant idea to check Friendster. so thank you, eileen!


i have, i have you breathing down my neck breathing down my neck.

guess what? i have to PAY to join the fencing competition. 40 bucks! now i know why it's a richkids sport. sheesh. i am growing increasingly impatient at the last minute changes to when exactly i have to go where exactly.

anyway, i was watching blink 182 videos of them live and i guess i still miss them alot.

someone by the name of Cheryl added me on msn and i do not know who the heck she is. plus she doesnt answer my messages so i think i'll delete the contact as soon as i narrow down all suspects. i do NOT like unknown people adding me. >:/

i think im gonna watch a movie today! woohoo. haha.

should i go for the maroon 5 concert? i DO know all theyre songs. butbut. its so expensive.

anyway i shall go watch danny phantom now. haha

edit. it's 1.42pm and no im not gg to watch a movie. and the cheryl person is REALLY pissing me off and creeping me out. cos im trying to find out who she is but no one on my msn list that i am asking is actually replying me. OH WELL.

i am bored. talk to me. i think i shall go play little fighter2

Monday, December 10, 2007


today i:

got really bored
annoyed amanda and jasmin with my persistant calling
found out i do not have a song (i threw it away.. sometime ago i think)
read an old story by me and had to stuff my fist in my mouth to keep from laughing
watched Looney Tunes: Back in Action!
am light headed
need to practise my piano
dread tomorrow
watched the last episode of Reba!
hate this inactivity

eh my head is whoozy. i shall get off this keyboard and get on the other.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

It's me again

I love this video and the song.

I don't mind well you don't mind.

This night's a perfect shade of dark blue.

After wasting precious time going to rockers' biographies on wikipedia, i have some very interesting stuff to show you. firstly, something about Chris Carrabba, lead singer of Dashboard Confessional. I would love to go to one of DC's live shows but then i'd have to buy all their albums. haha. anyway:
A notable feature of a live show involving Carrabba is that while performing he will stare, almost unsettlingly, into the audience at a particular person. This has come to be known among his fans as "eye sexing." Carrabba, in an interview with the Associated Press, said, "You can't help but look at the audience, and if you find somebody and they're having that movement listening to a song that gets to you, I'll connect with them and have eye sex with them."

i find this amusing and yet some what disturbing.

take a look at this really nice Jack Mannequin song, Dark Blue.
Now watch Something Corporate's Punk Rock Princess or If You C Jordan

now you're probably wondering, what's similar between all these videos? well if you look CLOSELY. REALLY CLOSELY. the lead singer/pianist for both bands are the SAME PERSON. that's right. Andrew Ross McMahon, 25 and very handsome. haha. well he formed Jack Mannequin later so he looks older in the Dark Blue video. and the video was also after he was diagnosed with leukemia and thankfully recovered from it. yea. poor guy. but hes a really good piano player.

Andrew Ross McMahon was born on September 3, 1982 in Concord, Massachusetts and has been playing the piano since he was eight years old. In 1991 he moved to Bexley, Ohio where he attended Cassingham Elementary School for 5th and 6th grades,HAY-O and became a local legend by performing piano solos before he could even read music.

information taken from

anyway, i said i would make a christmas list, but i dont feel like it. so another day.

the holidays are ending! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

guess who's back?

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me
So won't you kill me, so I die happy
My heart is yours to fill or burst
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery
Which ever you prefer

I am back in singapore, and very very happy to be back. although i'll be much happier when this coming week is over. because, guess what? i have to go back to school to hang a banner (oh whoopee.) then i have stupid #$#%#$% spinal checkup (argh) then i have fencing competition thing where im going to have to find some way to get to RJC by myself because my frens in fencing are not good inuf frens to go with me (boo you all). im thinking of skipping the competiion. my seniors are not going to be happy.

im annoyed.

on a lighter note...

28 Nov 07, 18:53
bernie: hey thanks for jamming with us, really appreciate it!
28 Nov 07, 20:58

sirin: no problem (: jamming was fun. i'd do it again any day.

oh haha this is so suprising! she actually said "i'd do it again any day". interesting. i wonder if sirin reads my blog.....

im still annoyed. i need someone to talk to!

and australia was fun i guess. kept hoping Michael Guy Chislett would pop out of the thin air. sadly he didnt. i saw some really cute guys at the penguin parade place. oh and the penguin parade thing was awesome. on the plane ride there i threw up 3 times and almost died. on the plane ride back i was well armed with air sickness pills and i saw these 2 aussie dudes, and one of them looked like Ryan Ross from Panic! At the Disco and i was hoping the other was a Brendon Urie lookalike (cos that would mean they WERE panic! at the disco. then how cool would that be.) but no, he looked cute tho.but the dignified female i am, i did not flirt with them or even make eye contact. haha im cool.


and if u're wondering, no i did not get anything for you.

haha. ishall construct a christmas wishlist. for my next post. cos thats wat jasmin and brigid did on their blogs. we shall create a TREND!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Goodbye Singapore, hello Australia

i watched 3 movies today and to me that is an accomplishment in itself. *Applause* not to mention that i plan on watching 3 or 4 more on the plane.

i watched Nightmare Before Christmas followed by Blades of Glory, followed by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! now if u noticed that 2 out of the 3 movies are productions that involve Tim Burton it is somewhat a pure coincidence. i tell you, nightmade before christmas is really really awesome, its not freaky and scary it's actually very amazing, the dolls and stuff. and the songs are nice and storyline is unique and the ending is oh so sweet. Blades of Glory is really funny and stupid and downright gay. WillFerrel+Jon Heder+Funny stalker guy who acted in Benchwarmers+Will Arnest+Pretty girl from The Office= VERY FUN MOVIE. there are some laugh out loud parts and then there are parts that make me cringe but all in all, good movie. and i think we all know how Charlie and The Choc Fac is because everyone should have watched it by now right?

oh well.

i am leaving soon and i hope the ipod charges in time. i will see you guys next next saturday(that'd be 3rd). i hope the trip goes well.


ps. i wanted to blog about something but i forgot. heh.
pss. last night my bro and i taught my dad how to use MSN it was hilarious.
psss. just wanna say goodbye. haha

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I have the tendency to be very anti-climax.

yesterday wore me out. i found out what a difference a bass makes in music, though i highly doubt the particular bassist wasn't bored out of her skull with out lame antics. haha anyway today i was supposed to go out but then i had really bad cramps and ended up playing Star Wars and trying to defeat Obi Wan.

i shall do a quiz i stole from a classmate who's blog i randomly went to.
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
4. Start your post with; I have been tagged!
[i shall not do no. 2-4 just cause i wasnt tagged and i dont want to]

Favourite Color: some where over the rainbow
Favourite Food: edible once
Favourite Movie: well i watched Xmen 3 today for the 34324354545 time so i shall say that's my fav now
Favourite Sport: guitaring. ha,ha.
Favourite Day of the Week: Sunday because it is the day of rest!
Favourite Season: happy season
Favourite Ice Cream: the ones that people eat

Current Mood: bleah
Current Clothes: BIG SHIRT. and shorts and more
Current Desktop: desktop=computer..?
Current Time: 6.59pm
Current Surroundings: bedroom
Current Annoyances: cramp
Current Thoughts: songs,piano,phua chu kang

First Best Friend: hmmm...
First Crush: HAHA U dont wanna know.
First Movie: cant remember
First Lie: after all i've made am i supposed to remember this
First Music: jet/busted/good charlotte/BRITNEY SPEARS. haha

Last Drink: Vitamin C (orange flavour)
Last Car Ride: ystr
Last Crush: Michael Guy Chislett... no wait. jonathan rhys meyer? but then he got drunk n thats not a very good thing to do
Last Phone Call: hmm. to my mom i think
Last CD Played: i havent played cds recently.

Have you evers?
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: ive never dated anyone! haha.
Have you ever broken the law : yes, the laws of fashion
Have you ever been arrested?: by the fashion police?
Have you ever been on TV: YES. haha for 1 or 2 secs
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: haha haahaha no la! haha why would i do that

Random 5 things you are good at:
Guitar playing
thinking up story plots
screaming at people
being an annoyance
playing star wars on the nintendo ds

4 things you've done today:
played star wars on the nintendo ds
used computer

3 things you can hear right now:
phua chu kang talking
my sister's guitar playing

5 People to tag:
ha! i shant do this.

well so its done.hmm. i think i shall go watch phua chu kang and after that head to my room and finish something. oh well. toodles.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I aint got you

spent time with amanda and jasmin today, managed 5 new songs (are we good or wat? i say what. haha) and met with some rather amusing interruptions. when we were done with the first song amanda's mom called to tell her Star Wars was showing. then her volleyball frens kept smsing her. my camera also lost all hope of battery life after taping a few minutes of us playing. i shall charge it today.

sirin's gonna join us tomorrow, and then we'll be (As amanda says) COMPLETE! in sound i guess.

the month is ending and i am leaving singapore on soon.... oh i do hope the holiday goes well.

Guy Ripley/Ryland is so freaking hilarious. i like how he steals william's hair. haha

Michael Guy Chislett is my guitar lick hero.

edit: i wanna add this in cause i just found out that the guitarist and backup vocalist of Hawthorne Heights died in his sleep and this was comfirmed by the band on 24 NOV i think (got this from wiki). it's really very sad because i like Hawthorne heights and i feel very bad for the band and his family. its also quite similar to the two cases in Singapore in which two drummers from local bands also died in their sleep, i think. so yea, it very tragic and mysterious.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

I got a closet filled up to the brim with the ghost of my past..


it's a saturday and im up early only because i woke up at 5/6am and couldnt sleep.

i shall
- Go for Mass today
- Practise my piano
- Play my guitarrrr
- Think about tomorrow
- Waste time playing Star Wars/Nintendogs
- Get rid of that dang pimple

AHHH a certain friend posted UNFLATTERING pics of my on her blog. i shall pester her until she deletes them. note to self: fix that ugly stance of mine.

Talking to Joy is like talking to cheese. HAHA i made that up.
Smooth Operator says:
i think i'm gonna delete our emo blog

And It just boils down to one thing. says:
And It just boils down to one thing. says:
And It just boils down to one thing. says:

Smooth Operator says:
Smooth Operator says:
Smooth Operator says:
why did i become a baker?

And It just boils down to one thing. says:
And It just boils down to one thing. says:
And It just boils down to one thing. says:
u have officially told the lamest joke of the year

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

And Baby don't follow their lead.

TAI TV is cracking me up. It's seriously funny, the drum tech smells and carasses Mike Carden's microphone haha.

also i've been reading some stuff on the ohnotheydidn't web and seen some disturbing avatars (one was a cartoon with a guy whos face only had a pair of eyes and 3 tentacles was disturbing!!) and so i shall stop looking at that web and move on to something else....


last night i forgot to take my MP3 outta my pockets and it got dunk in a pail of water. it took one hairdryer, a battery, a pair of steady hands, tissue and my dad to finally get it working again. so yay.

happy wednesday people.

ps nicole richie and joel madden's baby is a boy! i wonder wat they'll call it...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007



well I have to go real soon and suprise a friend of mine who turns 14 today, but i shall go after i finish watching some videos.

Kevin from the Jonas brothers had really weird hair when he was Ellen, haha.

and WHAT IS AVRIL DOING IN THE HOT VIDEO? wat's with the veil? wat is with the sexually suggestive dancing? what is with spraying perfume on the mirror? and her look is really weird.....

oh well..


Monday, November 19, 2007


i have watched all of Season 1 of Heroes and it is GOOOOOOOOOOOD okay, all u ANTI HEROES PEOPLE *Sharpens long pointy stick*

anyway the month is almost over and that sucks. i have yet to write a song. my temper is growing, im getting pissed at the tiniest things....


oh well. i learnt to play Boston, These Walls and Be My Escape on the keyboard-synthesizer thing over the past 3 days. its really cool cos u can add beats and guitar sounds and almost any and every instrument. of course if i were a pro i would actually KNOW wat to do with the other buttons/functions things. haha but i shall LEARN.

whoo. i had a dream of Milo Ventimiglia. he is very sexy. HAHA. i think it'd be cool to meet him oneday. hmm.

life's abit boring without jamming sessions, innit?

what happens when
you're different from them
would you try to change
or would you try to stay the same

Thursday, November 15, 2007

And dear, you look so lost. Eyes are red and tears are shed.


i. got. a. keyboard. (Well its shared with the rest of the family la)

i. am.



and then i learnt how to play Boston by Augustana. mm it is COOL. haha.

now i shall focus on putting songs into mp3 and then retreating into my room and try to learn songs with piano parts in them.

did i mention the keyboard is a SYNTHESIZER THING.

haha so cool.


i bet u're so jealous now. sorry la!haha

hmm im thinking of writing a pirates story. but of course i have to finish the jason/kaine/karyn/amber one first. blablabla.

yea okay.

well enjoy the rest of the days and the HOLI HOLI DAYS.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Let it go, im still waiting for you to...

joy has alot to say! like her is like FULL of poems/shot stories, and they're all very nice. sheeesh, me? i cant even finish one lousy chapter cos i dunno where my story is going. haha.

anyway, wassup. holidays holidays.... the month is almost over. than theres one more month and then its back to school to the sec 3 bluuuues. so far, Nintendog, jamming sessions and good doses of sleep are keeping me alive during this holidays. and then theres this flu which doesnt want to go away.

i really have nothing to blog about... garh. life's pretty boring these days.

toodle-loo, i shall go find something to do.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

huh huh huh holidays!

this coming week is a busy week. busy as in FUN WHOO busy. yea MY PIANO EXAM is OVER! yes! which also means i have to practise for grade 7. ARGH.

anyway i havent much to post about. just that i hope you people are having a nice holiday. hmm.




oh did u know i fell sick over the weekend? likei had fever and really bad sore throat but today im MUCH better, only have a non stop runny nose. ah well. hope im healthy by tmr.

ok. well. TOODLES.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

How do you feel? How do you feel? Alright, Alright.

Listening to Cobra Starship again. Jasmin finally is watching TAI TV. stupid streaming thing is stressing me. i need to finish my piano homework and study for the exam.

aw dang it.

15mins to my 4pm comedy.

It's the ??? day of my "holidays" and until the piano exam is OVER i can rest. been having mindless late night phone conversations with Kelly and viv with the occasional karyn. finished New Moon in two days (JACOB BLACK RULES. HAH! TO EDWARD LOVERS.) and so now i'm just on the com.... doing the streaming thing. once i get off, back into reality i go.

i hate studying, really. garrh.

oh well.

werewolves vs vampires.

monsters? vs bloodsuckers?

im on Jacob Black's side :P

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The suns comin up!

and I came here to make you dance tonight
I don't care about my guilty pleasure for you
and I don't even know
what kinda fool you're taking me for
so you've got some brand new clothes,
you never could afford before
oh brother spare us all
we don't care anymore
we just wanna get down on the floor
you sell yourself to make it
you can dish it, but can you really take it
you're never gonna get it with nothing
cause nothing's what you got in your head
so stop pretending
I came here to make you dance tonight
I don't care if I'm a guilty pleasure for you
shut up cause we won't stop
and we're getting down till the sun's coming up

I am temporarily obsessed with this Cobra Starship song and the video. its just all really really good stuff.

yea so today was saturday and i spent the whole day finishing Twilight which is by far is the best read i've had in a looooong time. i think i should buy eclispse and new moon tho jenn is telling me not to buy eclipse.

hmm. shall have to think about that. im not very wealthy nowadays, not since i banked my savings. chee.

i am bored. i have nothing to blog of, to tell you the truth. i searched 5 Things You Need to Know About The Academy Is... in youtube cos the one i was watching was pretty bad quality and then the results i got were like 3 videos and the still shots were like porn and full of butt and that moment my mum walks in but thankfully it was too small and i minimized it in time. i really hate it when u get porn stuff as search results or by accident is just reminds you how sick the world is.

i should write a song about this. hahaha. i NEED TO WRITE. i cant write! GAHH.

and i need t o study for my piano exam. i need to get out. i need to relax. i need to get Eclipse. I need to jam (last night i dreamt i went to jasmin's house to jam with her amanda and sirin and it was so disastrous that we ended up not playing any songs. scary).

i am doing to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee.

Kiss me goodbye.

Friday, October 26, 2007

we won't stop!

yes, i am still online.

was laughing my ass off at the cobra video and also the click 5 webisodes thing. they are HILARIOUS.

ethan and joey are adorable. joe's funny. ben's a great actor. kyle's cool.


my mom bought Twilight (a book). yay!

anyway. seeing all these videos make me really envious. i mean being in a rock band looks so fun. bleagh.

haha. ah well. i was supposed to try and write a song today but the cramps were killing me. garhh.

Well, i wonder what im going/where im going during the holidays?

i shall go find some click 5 tabs now...

Unravel the mysterious of boredness in relief.

so the school days are over (well i do have to head back to get my report book) and well im supposed to be doing stuff that i have wanted to do.

but that's the problem. i am in no mood for those stuff. whatever they are...

this just made my hour. i wonder how gabe got his driving license? haha. viva la cobra!

once again, i don't get paramore's video. to tell you the truth, i dont think i'll ever be a great paramore fan. i mean other than the fact i totally admire the whole girl-singer-rocker thing, i think their music is average and their lyrics a bit cliche. *cue paramore fans coming at me with big sticks*

cobra starship howeverr...

from now on this is my favorite video. i am sooo gonna learn the little hand movements. and the whole green screen thing, VERY MODERN.

ahahah. HAHA.

omg i love cobra starship.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My post titles are sucky.

What is Sisky doing in a taco?

On a lighter note, i got into the 8 sub class. I panicked when the teacher said only the top 40 would get in (my mum kept telling me it was the top 40 PERCENT not that i had any chance of getting in either but there was a higher possibility). Im not einstein but i do wish alot. So it was quite a miracle, a blessing, a gift from God when I saw my name on that list.

Pure Sciences and Literature here I come.

i am so gonna flunk my sec 3 everythings.

Waiting for the day when I am free, without you.

Yes so i don't think you can call me a true blue(or any other colour) Click Five fan. SUUURRREE i bought Greetings from Imrie House even though i was saying the whole pop rock thing was not for me. it was under a whim thing if i can remember.

well then after that i kind of lost track of them and only started getting interested when I heard Eric left the band.

"I don't like click five anymore," i said. "Not with Eric Dill (whoop) gone and all. no new singer will make up for it."

then their new CD came out with a single fabulously named "Jenny" and with it a rather corny and hard to believe video with Japanese.... girls? And involving and elevator. Now i wasn't very turned on with this because I thought of the Jenny song as ... how do you say? Stupid. I mean we're SOOO over the whole naming a song after a girl (Jenny, Ruby, maureen[sp?]) so I'm just like "oh." then my dear friend darrylin fell in love and sent me the song so i listened to it and I guess it wasn't THAT bad.

Then she bought the CD (which turned out to be called MODERN MINDS AND PASTIMES) and after Helena kept it hostage for weeks i was finally given the opportunity to hold it in my own puny hands. the thing is, i didn't really listen to the CD until a few days later i put the songs into my mp3 along with 2 more NEW CDs.

so between Yellowcard, The Academy Is... and The Click 5 who had a singer whom i deemed "not as good as Eric", who would you think I would choose.

So yea, i didn't listen to all the songs, just part of them but I did fall in love with Flipside which i still do dearly love and sing in my mind for many days. after awhile i realised that Kyle could ACTUALLY live up to Eric's standard, thought different his voice was still nice and as those people who enjoy adding random letters into their words, smexy.

anyway the point of making this post because of the BIG i mean BIIIIG! event that happened on Tuesday (yes i am slightly behind time) that shook the nation!!.... or maybe just helped me get some friends annoyed with me in a jealous way (HA!)though all in good nature... all in good nature... *chuckles*


SO where was I? oh right. another thing that annoys me, the bloody school schedule says the Radio Programme thing was on THURDAY. so i was supposed to bring my camera today and catch EVERYTHING and get good pics but NOOO. it just happened to be on Tuesday and NO ONE TOLD ME so i was caught completely off guard. of course, i thought all i was going to miss were a few pictures of Vernon A and Justin Ang both of whom i am not THAT excited to see. and then they had to lie and say "Oh we're bringing you your click five merchandise. it's coming!"

"They're bringing your merchandise now... it's coming up the stairs... it's here!"

Naturally, everyone in the hall (sec 1s, 2s, 3s and a few sec 4s) looked behind and suddenly people were standing.... no no JUMPING and screaming their lungs out and basically going ballistic and then i saw those beautiful blond and brown haired heads of the Click Five and followed suit and i would have imagined that a by stander would have seen a very wide mouthed girl.

i wonder how many SJCians have already blogged about this.

The whole thing was kind of cool and stupid at the same time because the Click 5 looked bored and tired (they had their concert with the black eye peas that past night) so i felt really bad for them. did i mention the camera men were blocking my view? Those flashes looked painful. so they sort of a press conference in my hall, the 5 of them, seated in a particular order from left to right, as my fabulous memory refuses to allow me to forget, Kyle, Joey, Ethan, Ben and Joe or as I would politely address, Mr Patrick, Mr Zehr, Mr Mentzer, Mr Romans and last but not least, Mr Guese. there basically talked about their new album and answered some questions, Mr Patrick sang the chorus of Jenny with us and also sang happy birthday (as in the real song not the one from their album) to a girl (but he couldn't hear her name so he just mumbled that part).then they took a picture but because of my clumsy legs and bad reaction, me and my friends weren't anywhere NEAR them, we weren't even in the picture. then the band went backstage, everyone got seated and they left the hall followed by screams and some sec 4s who decided to pursue.

did you know Kyle Patrick has his own Wiki page? and the rest of the band do not. haha. hes 21!

anyway. back to my rather long and boring story. the band headed down to the office to have a chat with my principal, then went to the teachers meeting room where they were interviewed by the press and got to take pictures with teachers (how unfair is that) and my lucky friend vivecka got to steal their water bottles and talk to their tour manager. meanwhile my class and the rest of the sec 2s were in the gym waiting for some guitar performance by a class but we heard screams and all of us ran to see whats up. apparently the click five were leaving and they were standing outside the car park doing something. so then we stood and watched for a while before running back into the gym. then i had this great idea of going downstairs to the big gates so we could wave goodbye to them when they left but then it so happened Jasmin(the most horrible self professed non click five fan) and Darrylin(who was hysterical at that time) had already ran down leaving me shouting "DARRYLIN you wanna go down?" to a classmate who so happened to NOT be darrylin. [if i spelt your name wrong, im sorry. haha i am a horrible speller]

well we went down and waited and ignored some seniors who told us to go back. we saw the 98.7fm crew and DJs leave and then my bio teacher....

and then my two friends, Brigid and Darrylin had the great idea of running opposite to the other side where the flowery bushes situated because there was a HUGE crowd standing on my side and people were overtaking me even though i saying "Excuse me" and pushing them aside (yes mean, i know. haha but they didn't even notice!) and jasmin saying "shove off."

then there were screams and i saw that beloved peach coloured van coming up and i RAN across and prayed i wouldn't get hit/get scolding for taking the risk to get hit but no, neither happened because the van was going pretty slow. then when i got to the other side something big banged into me but turned out to be jasmin who had taken the last minute run too. so while jasmin cried "BUSH BUSH!" and we tried to entangle ourselves from the bushes, the van was coming and more screams erupted. practically the whole school was running down but only four of us were standing on the left side of the road. now HOW COOL IS THAT.

so then the van bus thing came up and i saw Mr Patrick and i waved at him but he didn't see.
then i caught sight of Mr Zehr who was sitting closest to the left window (nearest to us) and he
caught sight of the four of us and naturally i waved at him and smiled and he waved back and smiled too.

according to Jasmin, Kyle had seen us and waved and said "Bye" but i was too hypnotised by Mr Zehr's handsome face and pretty eyes and his smile that I did not see him. oh well.

seconds after the van/bus passed, my friend Darrilyn who was calm for once, started jumping and shrieking so not wanting to spoil the moment i jumped and shrieked too. then she and brigid ran after the bus/van (people were like blowing kisses to the window and putting their hand on it) while i turned to Jasmin and said "Joey waved at me!"

it was just the coolest thing. that night they showed it on the news and but i wasn't anywhere on it. haha. but still...every time i think about the Click Five, THE CLICK FIVE entering MY school's HALL its just the most amazing thing. i mean, i wont say it but I never knew anything so amazing would happen to me school.

yes i am saying something.

haha. anyway. this is my 3rd celebrity encounter. my past 2 did not go too well (I didn't really ENCOUNTER much fall out boy at their concert and the phone conversation with Michael Guy Chislett can't really be called a conversation). i am freaking stoked.

i really really really really really really want to be a musician right now.

go,dream go!

hey mr zehr has a friends or enemies account! ahaha.

yes, well sorry for the long post. all this was on tuesday, 2 days ago and it's still fresh in my mind. amazing really.

i have a piano theory exam coming up. yes,somehow i don't seem to be studying enough but I can't disappoint now. gahh. once i get all these exams off me I'll be free... until of course i get my new school books.

that's life i guess.

The drum fills on Modern Minds and Pastimes, in my opinion, are fabulous.

Now, who's in some mood for some song writing....?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Let me light up the sky.

alright alright.

so today is the last day of the so-called holidays and its back to school. monday was fun,tuesday was lazy and today was.... tiring? haha.

today i went out with Kelly and Viv to walk on the grand streets of orchard and to enter posh malls and look absolutely out of place. dejavu. we actually did this like a few months back. anyway i managed to do two(three..?) things that i was hoping to achieve: Get PaperWalls, Santi and collect my deposit from the yamaha people (who had some problem and they had not inuf money so i had to stand at the counter for a few minutes feeling like i did was problematic while they tried to sort things out.) and i achieved all these so yay me.

going out with kelly and viv.... things always happen. like somehow all of us manage to bump into countless people by mistake, get really evil looks and I just HAD to back away and then step on a pink slippered foot and get a grumpy "OUCH!" making me feel rather guilty and embarassed even after saying "sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry."

bleagh. but the day was fun i guess, going out with kell and viv is always laughable... what? haha i dunno wat im saying.

i cant even see straight.

BLEAGH, my leg painful.

thanks kell and viv, for a good day, full of laughs, my 4 month late birthday present and for making me buy Grease.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We only want to sing you to sleep.

So yestereday i spent the whole 1pm to 10pm in my room, the aircon at full blast and just relearning Fall Out Boy songs on my guitar, annoying amanda with senseless SMSs about how my palm muting sounds like a frog farting, and only taking breaks to eat the very delicious meal my mom cooked and to watch tv.

survivor china is cool. Erik is handsome. but he likes jamie. :(

anyway the aircon caused all my blue tack to shrink and then expand making all the posters on my wall fall off causing me to wake up in the morning finding +44 squashed between my bed and the wall.

right. so cedar sec 2s have all their results back already, im so nervous to get mine. sure get zero A1s.

i shall stop my boring blogging and do a quiz from Joy's blog.

1 Kelly
2 Karyn
3 Amanda
4 Jenn
5 Jasmin
6 Cleo
7 Kelicia
8 Sirin
9 Benita
10 Michael Guy Chislett!
11 Mr. Beckett.
12 Pete Wentz
13 Brigid Desouza
14 Darrilyn
15 (I am running out of names) Spongebob
16 Joy
17 Patrick Stump(h)
19 Melissa
20 Helena Lim

1.How did you meet 14?
Darrylin: In same school mah, same class for sec 1 and 2

2.What would you do if you never met 1?
Kelly: well i wont really like PANIC cos because i never met her, i wouldnt know she existed so i wouldnt i had never met someone cos i had never met her... anyway im lucky i met her. haha.

3.What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Helena Lim and Benita: Well counting that both dont know who the heck the other is.... or maybe they do. well it'll be gross tho.

4.Did you ever like 19?
Melissa: Yes well u cant hate a friend its not very smart.

5.Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Cleo and Patrick Stump: YES, YES THEY WOULD. then cleo can introduce me to patrick who would then introduce me to pete who would introduce me to willliam beckett who would introduce me to michael guy chislett.

6.Describe 3..
Amanda: I am going to be sincere and nice now, i shall say, shes a funny person, nice and she can play guitar well and she is angmoh.

7.Do you think 8 is attractive?
Sirin: HAHA. well everytime i see her (Which is what? once a millinium?) she looks different. well maybe its just my bad memory.

8.Do you know any of 12’s family?
oh yea, i met his parents once when he brought me home and then proposed to me with a 232432-caret ring.

9.What is 8’s favourite?
Sirin: TV shows and rock bands i think.

10.What would you do if 18 confesses that he/she likes you?
GUY RIPLEY: haha. yes, yes i do!

11.What language does 15 speak?
Spongebob: Gibberish.

12.Who is 9 going out with?
Benita:Shes single i think. NONO shes dating one of the line dancers that dance outside Rivervale mall! haha. oh my shes gonna kill me if she reads this.

13.How old is 16 now?
Joy: A hundred and four.

14.When was the last time you talked to 13?
Brigid: On friday!

15.What’s 2’s favourite band/singer?
Karyn: Um lets seee, any band i am in and her favourite singer is me. haha. well she has like alot of fav bands and singers.

16. Would you date 4?
Jenn: haha i am straight! and i think she is too.

17.Would you date 7?
Kelicia: Ditto the previous answer.

18. Is 15 single?
Spongbob: nono hes married to his square pants.

19.What’s 10’s last name?
Michael Guy Chislett: Chislett! Same as mine.

20.Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
William Beckett: YES I WOULD haha!

21.What school does 3 go to?
Amanda: Cedar Girls school

22.Where does 6 live?
Cleo: Near me!

23.What is your favourite thing about 5?
Jasmin: Um her similar sense of humour and taste in music. her taste in guys i cant say much about. haha.

OH WELL. tats it. now i think i'll go offline and play my keytar.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

hey... saints!

reading pete's blog. he talks about world affairs like the whole Burma situation. but i really wonder if hes any different from any of us? hmm.

no one online talk-worthy. that sucks big time.

gonna sneak into my room and play dee guitar.

anyway apparantly decaydance is looking for a new band they can nurture. i feel so frustrated! gahhh.

ah weell.

i need to learn cartel and jaminsonparkerr.


Cos I wanna tell you. How I feel.


Tho i swear i am going to do very badly in most of them, there are OVER. which means i'll be able to just laze around all day(S). AHAHA. i shall concentrate on my piano exams (Theory. sure die one la) and well trying to write music.

haha. oh did u know?

I PASSED MY PIANO PRACTICAL. a miracle, really. my mum was so happy cos this means i cant quit piano. but i asked her to get me a keyboard for christmas. haha. haaa.

okay. so. heres a few things i need to do during the holidays(not in any order):

1) Get Santi and Paper Walls. dangit!
2) Exercise. build up some muscles (physically impossible)
4) catch up on piano since im going to continue it. SIGH.
5) relax
6) find another celebrity to crush on. AHAHA.
7) hang out with long lost fweeeeennns.
8) jammity jam.
9) listen
10) sleeep.
11) find myself........ haha so cliche
12) oh oh! get reliant K cds! ah! they are nice.
13) watch movies
14) borrow That 70s show dvds from Brigid. if possible.
15) go on holiday? gosh. i dunno if i wanna.
16) just do SOMETHING.
17) go to another rock concert! ah! maybe.

im looking forward to no school. i think im gonna waste my time tho. sheeshkabab. ah well. i hope i manage to pass my exams just inuf for me to apply for 8 subs, yknw. not that im gonna take 8.

chin chin.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Inquitita, mira que yo quiero decirte lo que no sabes(i have no idea wat this means, its in the cobra starship song)


Jack (the camera guy) should seriously do more of the cleanshaven-sunglasses-leatherjacket thing. totally works out for him.

i am downloading TAI tv podcasts. but i dont get it. somethings not working. ah well.

[EDIT: haha it says at the bottom of the lyrics page, apparantly "Inquitita, mira que yo quiero decirte lo que no sabes" means "Restless Girl, look I want to tell you What you don't know". VERY spiffy. haha i am going to learn how to sing this part!]

oh dang. ipod no space luh.

Monday, September 24, 2007


oh HOHO. the blogskin is a-okay i hope. i do hope its not because theres something wrong with the anti-virus thingo. i HOPE my blog doesnt have a virus of any kind. or is a phish. whatever that is. haha.

mika is goooood. thanks brigid.

my studying is going... pretty well/bad. its bad cos im sort of slacking. its good cos im actually STUDYING and sorta following this timetable thingy. of course now im not la. cos im using the com and yes.

ah well..

I AM RELIEVED THO. today was the day of my chi oral and sc practical exam and tho i am confident that i will fail in both areas and not reach my dreams of being a chinese newsreporter or biologist (HAH! sacarsm) i am happy it is over. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH A WORRIED. exams give me anxiety attacks, seriously. if this keeps up...

i may jus drop dead one day from a heart attack. (touchwood)

well it is OVER and i thank God for bringing me through it I LUV HIM LORZ. haha. sigh. oh yes yknw on sunday i went to church and the church maintanence guy(this white haired man who goes around switching on/off lights and the airconditioners) and the choir conductor were quarrelling.

REALLY LOUDLY. it was in church it was like outside but it was near the church and they were yelling about something or other. its was pretty cool cos things like that do not happen every day.yea. YEEA.tho i totally disapprove of bad vibes near the church. haha.

i guess i'll go soon.

haha. good bye and good luck with exams fellow learners.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

exam time!

exam calls for stress and it seems my computer is doing that.

blogger has some problem, when i went to my blog something was wrong, apparantly it was fraudulent. i think it has something to do with the template/cbox so since i cant change the cbox i changed the template. this will be fixed soon i hope.

ok i jus went to 2 blogs. amanda's one is under contruction too and jasmin's one has something wrong too so im guessing cbox has something wrong. like theres somekind of virus. hmm. ok. bye bye cbox.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ahh my lovely cobra starship.

I have a confession.

I am currently watching TAI TV and when they showed scenes of guitarist Michael Guy Chislett as he went to (As Jack emphasizes) THE GUITAR STORE(!) i realised that i am no longer attracted to him.

yes that's right.
no amount of sexy australian accent or sparkly eyes or funny laugh can get me interested again (i think).

this is wat happens when u have a stupid conversation with a celebtiry crush and then u get ur exam shit stuffed into ur brain.

ur hormones get written off the no. spot on the list. haha. seriously.

wat is wrong with me? HAHA.

brigid wants me to get a Facebook but i doubt i will.


like i wish i had taken the sc exam last monday but i think my bio teacher forgot about me so i have to wait til next mon.

sooo immediately AFTER taking oral ihave to rush off for the practical exam. when i think about it... oh gosh i dont want to. its just.

UGH. stressful. i seriously do not like close ecounters with teachers. if i were to choose between orals and hands on things with a teacher invigilating or exam papers i'll take papers anytime of the year. the whole i-am-being-watched-as-i-fail makes me fell pressurized which results in me embarassing myself AND failing. gah.

ah well. i wont think about it till monday. gah. im gonna die.

CHIN CHIN anyway.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I will never let you down. -Thrice The Artist in the Ambulance

I dont know wat my dad did with the com but it is DYING ON ME. he must have deleted some very important programmes because the computer is lagging and windows media player cant open.


right i am reading someone blog and i am sort of happy im not rather involved in her in any way anymore. shes kind of emotionally imbalanced of as those ahem "COOL" ppl would say,


YA. ack. my stomach's hurting. did u know i did not go to school on friday thanks to my frens FATABUULOUR idea of eating a waffle at 4.30 resulting that being my only meal for a day RESULTING in gastric resulting in stressing with the fact that school toilet flushes sucks and also resulting in my having serious giddy spells (i thought there was another aftershock of the earthquakes. HAHA) and not gg to school resulting in my not passing up alot of homework and not getting the math worksheet that just might result in me improving my math.

yes. so now im doing my home econs. i seriously hate the fact that i made such a foolish mistake during the practical by taking grated COCONUT instead of grated TAPIOCA so that instead of the TAPIOCA SLICES i was making it was more like WATER GREEN COCONUT THING. i failed cos i exceeded the time line lucky for me, my teacher didnt want me to eat my product. and i blame it on the lousy labelling (there were NO LABELS. NO LABELS AT ALL) and my inexperience with tapiocas and coconut. they looked the same wat.

im supposed to be studying... gosh. ive only read thru geo and did some math. i am going to FLUNK EV.ER.RY.THING.

I think the Butcher is adorable.

*Slaps self*

alright im gonna finish my HE then do abit of chap 1 of my fan fic and then play some guitar and then study AHAHA. okok maybe i wont do the guitar part. i HAVE to study. or not im wasting my sat!
im not gg for cat class cos
1)its at 2.30pm andi dunno when it finishes and i need to study
2)my mum cant send me which means i have to go there myself which means im not gonna get ANY studying done today
3) i dont like cat class, today got some youth activity thing which means i have to work together with ppl but i am anti social. haaaa!

ya. lousy reasons, i know and my concsience is screaming at me. but i really cant waste my saturday. i even gave up the possibility of JAMMING! to STUDY! *clutches heart* haha. well ok im not that great.

right. so.

CHIN CHIN. i doubt u'll hear from me soon.

Friday, September 07, 2007

"Satuday" becomes "SAT ERR DAY."

me and jenn are talking about how cool british accents are. they are. oh yes they are.

chapter 18 out btw.

anyway im checking out local bands. surprising task for me as i have been against local bands ever since i saw the video Running Away by Electrico. trust me, i did not feel very patriotic then. also because everytime i hear/see a local band i get all up in jealousy.

BUT, i am opening up to them. i guess if u WANNA have a local band you gotta LIKE EM first. right? first i checked out The Great Spy Experiment's myspace cos Life! was raving about how good their new CD is. the guy is a really good singer, well i mean he hides his singaporean accent REALLY well so they sound like a British/American band. cant say much about their fashion sense. so i went to look for FrontLineDisaster's purevolume and myspace to see how they're doing because i really would like to know how a bunch of 14 year olds are doing. they're getting a number of gigs so that's good. jerald's a decent singer too, he can emo scream abit. (but he is still short). then i went to check out caracal's myspace again (ive done this for a total of 3 times if im not wrong) and im listening to their performance at baybeats.

i have a question.


yes yes, there a girl keyboardist and girl singers but really, WHERE ARE THE GIRL GUITARISTS? GIRL DRUMMERS?


lets not say 'girl', more like WHERE ARE THE FEMALE BANDS. like HELLOOOOEEE. okay that means 2 things

-God is giving me a chance to be SPECIAL. haha
-Girls cant cut it.

bleagh i would not like to think the latter is true. because girls can ROCK. okay. i wont necessarily be the one to prove that but i will try.

but in the meantime, its time to hit the books and try not to fail every exam i come across.

P.S. if u are wondering why i checked out these 3 bands its cos
1) Great Spy Experiement's new cd came out and as i said above ^ Life! was raving about how good it was so i just HAD to check it out.
2) Front Line Disaster's vocalist and guitarist (jerald and paxton) are frens of my frens Bianca and Kelicia and well, i met em a loong time ago tho i barely remember... and also they were on Junior Jams and i find that HIGHLY AMUSING. haha. oh and so i jus wanted to see how they were doing.
3)Caracal's guitarist (Gabriel i think) is my fren's cousin and also my other fren's ex crush's cousin. which means my fren is related to my other fren's ex crush. HAHA cool right.

CHIN CHIN! (you jus gotta love guy ripley)

fangs up, baby!

everyone's frantic about the EOY (end of year... exams) and i think i am slacking alot. i admit it, i havent studied anything. eh. but i shall!

haha. so from today u wont really see anymore of me on the internet cos ishall be MUGGING.

whoo. okay. right.

i really have nothing to blog about.

oh yknw the "Original Musical Drama" that Mediacorp is holding auditions for? the advertisments for the auditions keep showing on kidscentral and i wonder, which insane kid age 9 to 14 would actually audtion when end of years are coming up. i think acting at such a "young" age engdangers ur studies and studies are very very VERY important in Singapore.

YEA. so thats all now. happy mugging, peeps.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

So kiss me goodbye, i can see the venom in your eyes. -Bring it



yea! Bring it is such a nice song. i know its abit late for me to get obsessed with it cos its quite an old song but IT IS NICE. ty to jenn for sending me and song and video(altho the video is louya pok one, the xray thingy wasnt put in) so i dont have to keep resorting to :D but its all in itunes and i dont have an ipod but jasmin has one she has one, she has a VIDEO ipod which is so not fair if i had one i would be shoving video after video inside.

but i dont have one so yes.

fwalala. so i guess the holidays have already gone by and i havent even studied anything. ahh crap who cares. as soon as i finish all my hw i will study. i hope the teachers dont give homework in the following weeks. but i know they will.


i want my yellowcard cd. i want SANTI! aiyo.

so back to my homework....


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hold on, if you feel like letting go. -Hold On (Good Charlotte)

yesterday i spent the whole day out. sort of. in the morning I had a trip to the NEWater plant, it was cool cos we werent IN the plant we were sort of in the building that the plant was next to. haha. its like this visitors centre with info about when NEWater, why NEWater, who NEWater, what NEWater and so on and so forth. and the doors and videos and thingys were all computerized, even the toilet door was cool, u have u push this button thing and it jus SWINGS open by itself. ultra cool.

then after that i went to VIVO city with my parents and brother to watch Ratatoullie (pronounced RAT-A-2-EE), the movie was nice, i actually kept wishing at one point, that it would not end and it didnt. haha there are like at least 3 story lines in the movie like when u think its gonna end it doesnt so thats good. and the animation is AMAZING i tell ya. remy is the rat is adorable.

so im supposed to be studying/finishing my history homework. ok i think i shalldo my history now. toodles.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

am i talking to myself, cause i don't know what I just said. -Walking Disaster (Sum41)

so since theres a reason why im actually bothering to blog, i shall talk about it first.

today i had CHINESE. yes, MOTHER TONGUE. its not too bad really. miss chia is a good teacher but nono, shes not the subject. guess who is? THE GIRL WHO SITS BESIDE ME.


ahah!you see. evelyn is this girl who sits besides me and is fishballlike and yes yes, "she makes chinese lesson enjoyable."

haha. ok i said it. i blogged about you! NOW MOVING ON...

im at halfblood prince right now. i mean the boook. been reading the 1st till the 6th i am at now. managed to squeeze in To Kill A Mockingbird and 2 chapters of Tunnels while i waited for my dear fren, brigid to finish the books (shes also rereading the whole series and im borrowing the books from her but while i took TWO DAYS TO READ ORDER OF THE PHEONIX [hem,hem], she took a rather longer time to finish half blood.)

yayaya. so this harry potter fever has gotten me um 'feverish' haha yes so i might MIGHT jus write a little fan fic about my four fav char (MOONEY, WORMTAIL, PADFOOT AND PRONGS)

hmm, so wat else? my sis got underclass heroes (sum41) and so far i have heard 2 songs and its okay. i was so afraid it might turn out.... avril lavigneish. that, my frens, is scary. if u dont get it, understand that: Avril is Deryck Whibley's wife and uhhh Deryck Whibley is Avril's husband. haha.

YA. so that's all folks.

mischief managed.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Cause i fear I might break -Pressure (paramore)


haha. finally stupid piano exam is OVER. tho i highly doubt i'll pass, i am still happy its over. do u know how depressed it made me? well let's see, occasional tears,a whole saturday of lying in bed and reading Order of the Pheonix(ahem i finished it in TWO DAYS.) and yes basically feeling very down in the dumps.

but it is OVER. oh yay yay.

also i have been eating an apple a day (on friday i ate 2, 1 red, 1 green) which probably means i wouldnt be seeing the doctor.


i think i shall get started on:
buying cds
writing my hp fan fic

yes i should.

trophy boys, trophy wives.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

FRIDAY NIGHT! baby are u sleeping? -click five.

ah. sadly its merely halfway into the week and i have to study for final years. i am so gonna fail everything, get expelled and have to go pick leaves for a living.

joy is evil. she does not tag me and tell me her new url.eviil.

on a lighter note, this morning when i came to school they were testing out this video of little philipino kids on the vigiliser and then that usual thought of doing something good in my life struck me.

oh God, i thought, one day, since i am lazy, one day could u jus throw the opputunity of doing charity my way? thanks.

and guess wat? the video actually WAS about charity. this woman was telling us about how they were gg to philipines to help the kiddies there. and oh man, i was touched by wat she said.

then i realised, so was half of my class. so now asking my mum (who said i shud do it) hopefully, i am going on this mission trip and not mess things up.

yesyes. so today was an okay day. darrylin was pissed at me for saying she was insensitive cos she kind of told me that brigid was crying was SOO not nescesscary. but i hate that she said it cos for pete's (sexy) sake, DONT INSULT A FREN BEHIND THE GIRL'S BACK. i hate that.


ya so then i got myself all caught up in head and about 3 hours later started complaining to three frens. AH WELL. im okay now.

okay so i shall do a quiz(from karyn and kelly's blog) and im off, doing my art. plfff.

1. (the person who tagged you is) - karyn and kelly. or if u wanna say it really fast its krynnklly.

2. (your relationship with him/her is) – haha. they're my butlers.

3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) – 1) OMG THEY LOOK THE SAME!

2) are they twins? 3)they HAVE to be twins. 4)they ARE twins. 5)gosh. they look the same!

4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) – giving me Santi for my birthday, OH WAIT. they havent! hint hint. haha.

5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) – "Bernadette!" "Stop hitting me with the pillow."

6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) – slap them.

7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) – having better taste.

8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) – be sad.

9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) – because.... i did something wrong or vice versa.

10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - laugh at them. haha.

11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - late on birthday gifts. HAHA. no la. um funny and nice and covered in ice. (rhyming)

12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) – i think they would feel like they stepped into a really bad nightmare.

13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) – Being SPECIAL! haha.

14. (on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is) – everything.

15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) – someone whos nice and makes everyone around her feel happy.

16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) – I CARE AND LIKE U TOOOO. :D

17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you) -
1) HAH i shall make Karyn
2) and Kelly do it again.
3) Amanda
4) Jasmin
5) Joy
6) Jennifer
7) Vivecka
8) Benita (if she even sees this)
9) Cleo
10) AHHA! michael guy!

(who is no.6 having relationship with?) – probably one of the Man U footballers.

(Is no.9 a male or female?) - dunno. HAHa female la

(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) – *TURNS VERY RED* NO!

(What is no.2 studying about?) – i doubt she even studies. haha. but she still gets high marks! PFF.

(Whenwas the last time you had a chat with no.3?) – oh my. a week ago? i cant really remember

(What kind of music band does no.8 like?) - punk rock stuff :D

(Does no.1 has any siblings?) – 2 sisters

(Will you woo no.3?) – COFF COFF *pukes*

(How about no.7?) – first she tries to still chislett and now me? haha COFF COFF *pukes*

(Is no.4 single?) – yea, she turned anti-guy

(What's the surname of no.5?) - PRIYA! haha

(What's the name of no.10?) - MICHAEL GUY CHISLETT.

(What's the hobby of no.4?) – being anti-guy

(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?)- I JUS REALISED THEY DONT KNOW EACH OTHER! :-o

(Where is no.2 studying at?) - Xinmin

(Say something casual about no.1) – hello karyn!

(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - COFF COFF *puke* if u ask too many of this ques i might become bullimic.

(Where does no.9 live?) – in cleoworld.

(What color does no.4 like?) – BLACK! haha im smart.

(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) – nope, they're too busy being best friends with ME. haha kidding.

(Does no.7 likes no.2?) – as in friends? yea.

(How did you get to know no.2?) - i was trying to borrow a harry potter book i think but she wasnt a very good librarian. we're exschool mates :D

(Does no.1 have any pets?) – Niki (right?) the dog.

(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) – nope, shes the SECOND sexiest. guess who's the first.....?

no. 10 lor.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Face it, this is what we're up, up against.

under the influence of the nagging voice in my brain, i watched about.... an hour of Taking Back Sunday. Yessiree, i took out THAT taking back sunday DVD which i so love and i watched it again. and boy, was it good. i'm all high in spirits cos the guys made me laugh alot.

if you have no idea who or what I am talking about, go to wikipedia/youtube, search Taking Back Sunday, watch their videos, listen to their songs.... TBS is really really good.

I am about to do the unthinkable. I shall blog about my day.

6.45, woke up. well actually i woke up a few minutes before to my mom asking me to get up, told myself i had to wake up but fell back to sleep. heh.

7.05, sat in car, listening to the radio. oh how horrid mainstream songs are these days. but their not that bad, some of them arent. i guess.

7.20, went to school. gosh. i dreaded it as soon as i got out of the car. well SURRE, education is a necessity! but is dealing with social problems and total boredom really needed. its like those shows where a certain scene is repeated over, and over and over and over.

7.30... gosh darn morning assembly. gahh.

8 to 2.10. had lessons.
nothign interesting during this. oh i got a measuring cylinder with a lil paper tag on it that says "Excellence for Science in Mid-year 2007" mid-year made me proud of myself, i dont think i will have a smarter moment than that. anyway cassandra seats beside me in sc and she kept insulting the measuring cylinder (which at the moment was being called the "test tube" cos thats wat we thought it was) and im like "aiya u're jus jealous" in a joking sort of way and she was all pissed and ignored me. so im like "if you're going to ignore me, tell me so i cant jus not say anything."then at first she didnt answer then she muttered something about not being jealous. and i clucked my tongue. cant she jus rest her case? well she did and the rest of the sc lesson was doing of workbooks and the finding of my chinese book.
then during chinese, did ting xie. evelyn was seating beside me like always and i am putting her name here cos she complains about how i dont blog about her and how shes very funny. well she is, she called me chicken once :)
ha, ha. haha.
i managed to pass my ting xie. hoorah.
then...... had to waste 20 bucks on the family day tix. garh.
wat else? cant remember. i hate school its getting abit boring. i need to time to study by myself anyway. why must we have school?

2.45-3.45 piano lessons.
i have been practising piano for all the days since NDP finished, except yesterday.and what happened? I SUCKED. i played my pieces really badly i think my teacher has this feeling im going to fail my exam (which by the way is on the 27th, and i am NOT looking forward to it). there was a period of time when i actually liked piano but who am i kidding? i liked piano but i dont like have to work hard. i think self teaching is the best way to go.

3.50 thereafter.
visited jasmin! i was really staying away from her, but nOOO she came out of the house and i had this urgency to run away. no offence but she has chicken pox and i havent mine yet and NOW is NOT the time to have it cos ihave so many shitty exams coming up. then i went back home and watched taking back sunday! im home alone so like whatever. i cant remember wat homework to do so im going to confine my self in the bedroom and put a guitar on my lap and try to write a song.

so that's it. my day.
boring... tired.

yesyes. i am not looking forward to tomorrow, theres music and all so that means guitar but i dont really like it, i mean we are learning SLOWLY. like SLOOOWWWLLY. we havent even gotten to chords yet. sure, i learnt something but, butbut. i dunno. plus theres training tomorrow, GAHH! i dont like my cca truth be told. first it was cos i was an annoyance to the seniors. now its cos im an annoyance to myself. im being so pessimistic. *slaps self*



i think Fred and George are cool.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


so hows the new blogskin treating ur eyes? haha. it took me 2 days to finish, garh, im so lousy. but i couldnt find any TAI blogskins on that had the new lineup in it (aka tom conrad was the guitarist in the skins) so i had to make one.

i don't think there's anything wrong with dreaming. unless you abuse the previlege by forgetting about life. farfetch dreaming disppoints, doesn't it?
I don't know what I'm saying. This post doesn't really have a point.

i came online to print some guitar tabs, so i'll be on my way soon. ahh. sidetracking, sidetracking. i've been asking quite a number of musicians (mainly people who can play musical intruments), well okay, joy, sirin and amanda only. but so far none have common musical influences with me so........

haha. i am bored.

throw it away, forget yesterday, we'll make the Great Escape.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why oh why you wear sunglass in your home -Down and out.


i think benita and sirin are really lucky... i keep badgering them for details of their encounter with TAI and Cobra, im so annoying. :D

i still think its so annoying i had ndp on that day. i couldve have been getting pushed and squashed while watching 2 of the best bands but noo, ihad to be dancing around a fluffy skirt on a floating stage with really cool special effects.

life works in funny ways, huh?


ahhhhh. im still embarassed about the conversation with mr chislett. ah well. the next time i meet him i'll be sure to put on my aussie accent and bring 2 white boards and marker jus incase we can't understand each other.


i dont want to do my home econs.

PS. sirin says that michael guy thought i wasnt speaking english.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Aust in translation.


i talked to michael guy chislett on the phone.

"ehh hey, what are you doing now?"
"ERrr, well i jus finished dancing at the national day parade and im very very tired."
"......celebration....?" (this was when everything went crashing down. i couldnt make out what he was saying thanks to 1)noise around me 2)his really really strong aussie accent 3)he was speaking really loudly in the phone so it was like really really not clear)
"erm. huh?"
"huh, hUH? wait hold on its really noisy here." (i try to figure out wat to do with the phone.)
then he says something and i jus go "HUH?"
then we stop saying anything and i want to cry and i almost HUNG up ok then LUCKILY
"hey he cant understand what you're saying, i think its the accent difference." (this is BENITA talking)
"uhh okok, um tell him that im great fan and (i said something else but i cant rmb), goodnight"
i hung up.

OKAY. then i started getting all depressed in the bus gg back to school and i complained to the ppl in the bus around me and then i called jasmin and amanda but she was in her grandmas house so i called jasmin again then i called jennifer and tried to call amanda but nooo.

theni called benita but she said something and hung up and i sent her a sms saying "WHAT?" then i was afraid she was mad at me or something so i smsed her again and thanked her for the opportunity but min later she didnt reply n i was afraid she didnt get the msg so i wanted to call her but i hung up then mins later she called me and explained:

"Michael didnt know wat the parade was so we told him it was a celebration."
"He seemed to be having an OFF day (at this point im like "WHAT?" cos to me off day=not working haha then she explained that) he seemed very glum."
"after u and him finished talking, we just told him that u were a great fan and that you loved him and he was like "really?" and he started blushing (i dunno if thats wat benita said, i couldnt really hear her)."

YA so after that i was HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY and i was telling the joleen who was in the bus with me that i was having violent moodswings in the bus. haha.

MAN. that phone call with michael was the most embarassing yet coolest thing that could happen. I WAS SO RUDE AND LOSERISH. ahh!

but i still love him.

and ndp was okay, i shook hands with one of the rollerblader guy he was really nice.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

you can't tell me that you don't beg.

new TAI tv episode out, Jack's first music video :D its for the song 40 Sides from their B-side of Santi which i dont have because they dont sell the those in singapore (oh heck) but they DO sell Santi here and I eagerly await mine.

thinking about The Academy Is... makes me slightly disappointed. They play 7pm to 8pm on 9th August i think, that would be about the time I run out in an overly decorated costume and dance to Kit Chan singing.

amanda wants to await William Beckett's arrival at the airport. BUT HOW DO WE DO THAT. RUN PAST THE GATES NON STOP? we don't even know which plane they're on. Sheesh.

OKAY. i had a dream on the night after the OTHER dream. ahah.

it was ALSO about TAI! how amazing. this time they were coming to my house but it wasnt really my house it was this really big place and they were staying there for the day/night, watever. but i knew where to go so i was like being their 'tour guide' and i rmb helping william with stuff and i cant really remember anything except the part when i rmb thinking of calling melissa over cos we were having sushi. ANYWAY TAI started leaving and i was frantically tryint to call amanda so she could talk to beckett (she loves him) so i was calling her handphone but she wouldnt pick up and i tried to call her house phone but the number that was in my phone was like "6283818 123..." (numbers not specific) so like when i called it only the numbers before the spacing would be dialled out then the operator woman was all "there is a missing number.." bla so then after alot of calling i realised that i could jus try moving the number after the space , in this case, 1, to behind the other numbers so in this case i would get "62838181" but i think i was too late and they left and i cant rmb anything else which means i must have woken up around there.

so there it is. 2 nights in a row, dreamt of TAI. gosh darnit i love them. ahrgrhgrhgahr cant believe im not gg for singfest! but my mum says they'll come back so hopefully, yes. i'll wait. or i could take another alternative, start a band and actually OPEN FOR TAI! haha that way i could invite them for coffee even! haha how cool.

ah well. the piano tuner guy is amazing. he plays random notes then tunes the keys. pitch perfect, as they say.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

was it a dream?

i deleted the previous post cos yesterday when i was walking back from the ndp stage to the ndp holding area, me and viv were yelling at each other like drunken doughnuts (it was friendly yells) and she told me that she finds a certain sentence in my post offensive so i have deleted the whole post cos i feel the post is dumb.


so im having a flu now. how sucky.

i had a dream last night. i dreamt i met TAI and it was like really real! like it wasnt all unrealistic to the point that i became friends with them or i started dating michael guy chislett but it was like i was their fan and i bumped into em and started badgering them for autographs. jack the camera guy was there too. there was this particularly embarassing scene after i had gotten beckett's and chislett's (both i addressed "MR beckett" and "MR chislett") i wanted to walk away but i couldnt leave without getting the whole band's autograph so i decided to ask The Butcher and Michael Carden and then it went something like this:

Michael: Ask Jackie too. (rather stern face)
Me: (Fakes laugh) who's jackie? (thinks of girl from That 70s Show. wonders if TAI got a new girl band member and its so embarassing that as a fan, i dont know)

then after a second i REALISE that jackie = jack = camera guy. then i go "OHH" and i give the autographed book to jack showing michael that i knew who "jackie" was. ok so it might be weird but it was EMBARASSING like i felt that michael didnt like me much.

hah. ok.

doing my HE. ahhh.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


today i wrote "THE ACADEMY IS..." in pen in really small font on my school table. i wanted to write santi on my hand but then i decided not to.

im such a fan.

THE PING PONG SONG VIDEO IS LAME. but jonny the dj is in it!

haha. i cant believe im not gg for the SINGFEST! GAHH! and i cant believe TAI are playing EARLY i mean not EARLY BUT EARLY INUF FOR ME TO NOT BE THERE IN ANY SITUATION AS I AM DANCING.

like wahhhhh. hopefully they wait for cobra (WHO HOPEFULLY FINISH THEIR SET AT AROUND... 9?) to finish their set and then they WALK OUT TOGETHER haha then they walk to marina bay to check out the fire works!


if you were there you would hear this:
Will you make this island, amazing in all wa- AHHHH OMGOMGOMG- suprises every cor- OMGOMG WILLIAM! MICHAEL!- delightful nights and days...

and see this:

what you would HEAR is me SHRIEKING and interrupting the ppl singing the finale dance song thing. and then me RUNNING to TAI.

yes that is wat i will do. BUT AS EXPECTED, id probably have no guts so i'll jus drop to the floor and cry.

ah well.

i am talking to cleo! SUCH A MIRACLE.

To padfoot
Well we AREN'T students there anymore, so what can they do, expell us? So we could go back.... soon hopefully. And how could you forget who Peter is! THOUGH SHE DISCLAIMED THE NAME. ah well. my famed sacarstic wit? when did I ever have one? I thought it was YOU.
Mischief Managed.

Friday, July 27, 2007

"I'll go up and you'll go up as well and i'll go down and you'll go down as well. It's really... I mean... I don't... It's frustrating!"-Ryland!

i could watch TAI episodes over and over and still laugh out loud. SIGH. okay today not much happened, my science teacher scolded the group of china students and made one of the girls cry. brutal. but i still respect him cause he's my teacher and he knows more about what happens in stomachs than i do.

i hate it when people change. i mean i cant stop them! but i feel like slapping their faces and saying "WAKE UP. WHY U DOING THIS, HUH?" in fairly broken english. but like that's selfish right? cos thats who they are.... and i shoulda seen that coming. so i shant say anymore. and i think i need to slap myself too,

I REALLY REALLY NEED TO STUDY. but i cant seem to! i mean NDP, PIANO, CCA? how to live like that. i really hate NDP, ruined my life. die you die. no longer will i be patriotic and be the only one in my school singing the anthem! NO MORE! all cos of stupidness which caused me to join the ndp. sure "this is a once in a lifetime chance!" well THAT'S GOOD. i'll never do it again! bleagh.

i found something interesting! THANKS SIRIN('s blog post)!
brendon has no taste. but pete's jeanae is pretty and so is christine(amanda is not gonna be happy). and those pics with spencer and the gf are really gross and porn. AH WATEVER. AT LEAST NOTHING ON MICHAEL GUY CHISLETT :D

dear Padfoot,
you ugly git. how's life without me? i was thinking, why not remus&us take one more walk across the gym, down the stairs and through the corridoors taking as darn long as we want to. And everytime I think about Tonks and Lupin... I am sad. For obvious reasons. Ah, well.
From your fellow marauder,
P.S.I can't believe Snivellus is the good guy. What about the HEAD BOY?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Never meant a word of it, never did.


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea! viv and the twins have yet to get me SANTI (new word i have been using) but thats ok. the fact they're getting it for me is good inuf and almost here is keeping me up in the mean time.

bands like The Academy Is.... are really inspiring. their a group of normal, funny guys who write damn good songs and really make me want to be a musician. But i dont know. i mean is it worth it? plus being a musician in singapore is really hard, it'll take alot to break the barriers.

i think the guy in my drum class is funny. my drum teacher asked us what kind of music we listen to and he goes:

emo music... with screaming and everyone wants to die.

he says this SACARSTICALLY la i mean jasmin thought he was serious but he was so obviously not, i was laughing my lungs out (lmlo HAHA so cool) but no sound came out (my laugh is really not a nice one, not something to brag about)

ah well. today was quite a good day. lots of things happened wrong but then they turned out okay. anyway as u've known ive been trying to stay away from people who are BENT on trying to spoil my harry potter experience (the last book is really really important and as i am savouring each page and not a fast reader, im only half way thru) but it seems the people closest to me and who know i really dont want the book to be spoilt have SPOILED IT FOR ME and it makes me so freaking pissed. its such a petty thing but ugh. sometimes friends can be so annoying. or all the times.

im having problems. the clique im hanging out with at school is getting on my nerves. they've changed and they're not exactly giving respect to teachers (not listening during class) and its so jackassy. haha i mean. i've realised that academically, i need to buck up and i've been listening intently to wat people say but my frens jus cant seem to shut up. and when i lecture them they get irritated and it annoys me. i mean i dont blame them, PEOPLE CHANGE. and i have to stop hanging out with them i guess. but then i wont any other frens.

i really miss gg recess with sirius and lupin and trying to save the library fishes and occasionally doing lame things like bursting empty packet drinks. THOSE WERE THE TIMES, MATE. gahh. lucky hermione has a time-turner. :/

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. im getting mushy. haha here are a list of things i am feeling right now.

Ndp rules the list
Friends who don't remember you
Friends who change
People who do irritating things
Saying the wrong things
Knowing im not doing what I should

Music music.
going out with viv to watch HARRY POTTER!
Friends who are always there and ARE COOOL.

SO SUCK UR SO-CALLED PITY DOWN. -Checkmarks (The academy is...)
why oh why u wear sunglasses at home when the sun went down about an hour ago?