Friday, November 30, 2007

Goodbye Singapore, hello Australia

i watched 3 movies today and to me that is an accomplishment in itself. *Applause* not to mention that i plan on watching 3 or 4 more on the plane.

i watched Nightmare Before Christmas followed by Blades of Glory, followed by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! now if u noticed that 2 out of the 3 movies are productions that involve Tim Burton it is somewhat a pure coincidence. i tell you, nightmade before christmas is really really awesome, its not freaky and scary it's actually very amazing, the dolls and stuff. and the songs are nice and storyline is unique and the ending is oh so sweet. Blades of Glory is really funny and stupid and downright gay. WillFerrel+Jon Heder+Funny stalker guy who acted in Benchwarmers+Will Arnest+Pretty girl from The Office= VERY FUN MOVIE. there are some laugh out loud parts and then there are parts that make me cringe but all in all, good movie. and i think we all know how Charlie and The Choc Fac is because everyone should have watched it by now right?

oh well.

i am leaving soon and i hope the ipod charges in time. i will see you guys next next saturday(that'd be 3rd). i hope the trip goes well.


ps. i wanted to blog about something but i forgot. heh.
pss. last night my bro and i taught my dad how to use MSN it was hilarious.
psss. just wanna say goodbye. haha