Friday, August 17, 2012

if you were to change the person you are, you'd still be yourself.

 my theory is that the definition of "who we are" is not as clear-cut as the stereotypes try to suggest. the people we are/become is a combination of first basic human instincts, the survival instinct, and then of basic moral instincts, the knowledge and sensitivity and compassion, and then our own observation of the world followed by the decision we make of where we want to stand in it. then there's also family and peer influence, and in recent times, the strong pull of society's influence through the media especially.

 i can imagine that the we are all certain types of people not because we are genuinely as such, but because we choose to latch to that "type", whether consciously or not. our minds seem to be unable to compromise, to not be something definitive, so we always find an identity and stick to it for the sense of security. that sense of security? the ability to say that "yes this is what i would do". without an identity we can't make decisions because every choice seems appealing.

 and yet, we aren't that stereotype, since after all it's forced, influenced, pushed, pulled until it becomes a messsssssssssssss.

 on another note. i wonder how my writing will be after 1209193 years of not blogging/ranting. I should start using appropriate capitalisation and punctuation. Ought to be catching up on Financial Management but SO MANY DISTRACTIONS SO MANY. Distracting myself from my distraction by using blogging to distract myself from them. hahahahha.