Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pen, Paper, Dreams...

Okay no time to collect thoughts and such so let's see where this post goes.

hmm. so havent been online for a while huh? but back by popular demand (according to Ellen: I demanded it and im popular) this is me. and im blogging. basically.

sigh. homework, homework. ive gotta do it. i dont fill too well. why? its night. honestly? I hate the night. cos it creeps me out. eh. i woke up in the middle of the night. 2/3am? and i couldnt sleep. so i lay there. and i freaked myself out. haha. waking up in the middle of the night is the worse thing that could happen to me. i rmb one night i woke up at 3am something and i didnt sleep. until like 6am? yes. i really am so tempted to take sleeping pills or something. i find waking up in the middle of the night the most annoying thing.


these few days have been boring. badluck rolls after another. boring days and blah. my interest in anything and everything is wearing out like that big puff of ozone layer killing smoke in the story that has settled happily in my chinese book.

anyway. sigh. i feel really lethargic. i wish i could stay up and watch AI and My name is earl. but no, i shall have to tape it and watch it another day. ggggggggggrrrrr. tmrs a thurdays. after that a friday. then a saturday. a busy one. then a sunday. then comes a monday followed by a tueday and then a wednesday.

and then thurday's coming round the mountain again.

don't you other people ever get so sick of it?

booo. week after week. stupid commontest coming up. stupid 2.4 run.

btw, i am over pete. yes. he and ashlee can go live happily or not or watever i dont care. haha. REALLY! trust me! im not lying! I WILLL STAND BY MY WOOORRRDD.

also, i am not very very serious and watever on becoming a professional musician. it is no longer my dream. no longer my passion. ok maybe music IS still my passion. but im not gonna think abt wat im gonna call myself when i get interviewed by Ryan Seacrest. playing music is just a hobby. listening to it is leisure. and well, music is my passion. so watever.