thats right! yeah. yknw i really dont see a reason why i have a blog. other than it being a platform for amanda to shamlessly advertise her blog, it doesnt really serve much of a purpose. well yea cos i havent been blogging much. but it because i have nothing to say. which is really annoying since i WANT to have something to say. since i need to write it down for important purposes such as my...
well okay i dont think its THAT serious. or maybe it is. oh gosh. yknw i hate the smell of blood? all metal-y and gross? makes me feel super nauseus(i really cant spell this). so that really rules out me being a doctor. or a surgeon. haha same thing. and i dont think i'll be a scientist. honestly? what do scientists do? they experiment and stuff right?ohhh. realisation seeps in. anyway i'd never be a scientists. i cant do experiments. cos its like "OOOO FUN!" at first then when i actually start cutting up that potato i really cant be bothered anymore and it ends up all fat and funny looking. and then i get critisized and then i get fed up. and then i get bothered that my school's bio lab doesnt have soap.
hey! guess wat? i didnt go to the school on the first day of go-back-to-school-day-after-week-of-holidays. why? cos i am sick. like sore throat and headaches and fever. yknw i can never tell if i have a fever? haha a good doctor i'll make.
yknw im really really really starting to fall in love love love with the show "Veronica Mars". if u start watching it now in the middle of a season i dont think you'll get it cos its like continious and stuff. anyway the latest episode i watched was really really good. it was wat i needed to feed my mood swings. haha. LOGAN AND VERONICA STILL LURVE EACH OTHER! how adorable is that. well not so if you don't know what the heck im talking about. im starting to think that logan looks pretty cute. yknw i was gonna say hes hot and all but in real life hes married so yknw, hes unavailable. yknw so many ppl are marrying so young. but its so cool if they dont get divorced and stuff. yknw? haha NEVERMIND. anyway the storyline for Veronica Mars is really cool i mean you've got like adult troubles + teen romances + sacarstic dialogue + investigative stuff! thats like the greatest show on earth. well not really. haha its pacifying me now tho. ahhhhhh. and i like the theme song. haha i just do.
hey i just blogged quite a lot! and my backbone is hurting. aaaaaand i dont think im gonna update anytime soon. and and. yknw its really really hard writing a song. i mean its easy getting a tune and a song in YOUR HEAD but then when it comes out its all MUSH and RUBBISH and u think about it and u get so annoyed cos its all MUSH and RUBBISH. and then u rewrite it over and over again. blablabla.
yknw i havent practised piano/done my piano theory yet. im gonna flunk all my piano exams!!! GAHH.
yknw the guy who acts as Logan in veronica mars acts as a Vampire dude in Moonlight. yknw i dont think i'll be watching that if they show it on Channel 5. its bad inuf when i get all high on fictional vampires and werewolves in Twilight so. haha.
whooo. unessecary boring rantings.
my back is still aching.
yknw something funny and strange is happening to me in school. im getting very very well acquinted with dawn, heleyna, venetia. like wooshboom. cos yknw the anti social person like me doesnt suddenly become 'close' to ppl i just suddenlt started talking to. i mean viv and jasmin im alrealdy close to and dawn im quite close to cos we go to cat class together. but yknw wat happened? one day we started naming ourselves celebrity names and WHOOSHBOOM we're a clique! so odd. hmm.
haha i cant believe im discussing my social life here. not that its interesting or anything. i havent seen so many friends in such a long time. i wish there werent so many ppl in the world. then it would be easy to keep in contact with people.
look at luke! woohoo.
okay. i think im done here?