I need sleep.
It seems odd that when in a group, one's perspective is switched to "me against the world", but when faced with solidarity it becomes "the world against me". As I sit in an unhealthy fast food chain that sells food that seems cheap but really isn't, healthy but really isn't, I realise my self consciousness is multplied tenfold, and I suddenly have the need to prove to everyone (in actual fact, no one) that I'm smart (I hold a book open, ironically under my phone), am not lacking in friends (hence am typing away on a phone in an obvious sign of communication), and when I consider it, I conclude that we humans, or at least, me human, are/is incredibly self concious, self obsessed and we just care way too much of what others think about us. The sheer number of times I use the word 'I' (and am forced to capitalise it to save my language abilities) is making my just eaten unhealthy meal rise in my throat. It makes me sick that I'm actually writing a post right now, and it sounds so briliiantly condescending and awful and I wonder if I really should post it.
BUT I SHALL! Muahaha. because a year from now, I would like to reread this and try to gauge how much more/less of an asshole douchebag I have grown into