i..... bought Michael Buble's CD.
yepp. the latest. Call Me Irresponsible. no that's the title, not a request. BUTBUT dont blame me hor. blame it on the damn good advertisment. AHHHHHRRRGHH.
i mean. ahh. his songs are so nice. he wrote two of them in this album too! AND LIKE. his voice is nice. and i like jazz.
no really. i do. IM NOT KIDDING YOU. ilike jazz. there i said it! im not lying. gosh. but i dunno if i wasted 18 bucks on it la. i mean the cd cover thingo has FUNNY SCRATCHES ON IT. makes me so sad. haha. butbut the songs. aiyo.
im such a sucker for hotvoicedjazzguys.
im gonna die if they sell a dvd of the songs + the cd for like 20 bucks. AIYO. waste my money can? i want the dvd. i like how mr buble dances. haha. so SAUVE LA. very cool. yes he may be abit chubby but hes funny. and his voice is to die for.
i hope i dont treat it like my jamie cullum cd. which.. i listen to... once... in a while....
ok. i shall put it in my mp3 and listen to it when i go to bed. so i can have nice jazz dreams. haha.
something else happened. not sure if its today. i wanted to blog about it but forgot wat it was. HAHA. farny.
how could i forgot? like the best dance floor episode ive watched. ok so i only paid attention to the episode cos of.... BENJi. everytime he appeared i would squeal.
sigh. he danced contemporary. and stripped abit.
and theres this part where glenn is like "so your a international superstar now?" then benji jumps and go "I HAVE SUPER POWERS!" and glenn and FD arent laughing so benji quickly regains composure and pretends it didnt even happen.
i was laughing like a mad. thing. cow? i dunno. i was laughing. aye.
so michael and benji. benji is love. while michael.. is a surprise.
i still dunno if i wasted money on buble. GAHH. im pathetic.
and and. i dun think i did VERY badly for todays chinse exam. EEPS.