Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hello citizens of singaporeeee and more.

dear pete, whats it take to be the celebrity u are?

so today's character development period was spent kind of discussing with ourselves about the FUTURE. mann... i love the future. flying space crafts and excalators everywhere aside, its the time when i'll be a WOMAN(haha i feel like puking) and i go around and do whatever shit i wanna do and theres no way im gonna be handed a yellow booking form. ahyes the police. i will not steal dont worry.

right. so where was i? right the future. not too far into the future lah. mrs tan asked us to think abt wat careers we want so we can choose the right subjects. i kind of highlighted the careers i wanted which included legal stuff umum artist, umum nurse? (actually i wanted to be a doctor then i didnt want so the nurse thing was under some kind of weird impulse) and well, editor and blah. then we had to go line up in the career we wanted.

so with me and my trusty sidekick, darrilyn, we skipped off to be the only 2 students of SEC 2 to want to be...

*drum roll*


i felt damn good about myself. i looked at the line of future "Artists" and damn SJC girls do have wild dreams, no?

haha. so yea. me and darrilyn and viv and karijah (both who are SUPPOSEDLY INTERESTED in advertising. haha viv wanted to be a marine biologist but she didnt wanna leave the entertainment department. i told her she could jus tell jokes in the sea.) are in thie group and we gotta do research and other blah.

hah. talking to viv. we could be best friends.

watching the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. the lead's hair is freaking me out.. haha he sounds like tyson from AAR.I WANT AAR BACK. stupid hiatus!

im thinking of spiking my hair one day. and wearing cool clothes. and piercing my nose.

sheesh. the whole emo thing.. ARGH. get the newspapers, the adults, the parents, the immature kids, outta my sight! everyone's fussing about who where wat. slitting wrists, and wearing eyeliner and writing poems about suicide... is it FOB's/MCR's fault? IS IT? its not okay. so dont blame the bands. the bands inspire. what those kids are doing are what they choose to do. its them u need to badger. not us. stop the newspaper reports. its stupid. ur pushing ppl. kids are gonna read these newspaper and go : "so is this the trend? i gotta do it too."

don't worry daddy, falloutboy isnt gonna make me an "emo" kid.

oh gosh. how i hate that term. so watever.

been feeling and thinking alot lately. so i think im gonna write a song or something. and try to make music. argh. u suck bernie. haha.

but if the rockstar thing doesnt work out, theres always the editing thing... right?

haha. :)